Sfântul Grigorie Decapolitul

Sfântul Grigorie Decapolitul
Apărătorul nostru și folositorul cel fierbinte, după datorie mulțumiri aducem ție, sfinte, noi cei izbăviți din nevoi cu rugăciunile tale. Ci ca cel ce ai către Domnul îndrăzneală, din toate primejdiile izbăvește-ne pe noi, ca să-ți cântăm ție: bucură-te, Sfinte Preacuvioase Părinte Grigorie!

miercuri, 17 iunie 2015


This is not the end,
Nor the beginning, 
This is not a poem with words... .
This is a feeling expressed through 
These imature, poor and simple words.
You my love, are more than even this sweet warmth that conquers my heart,
More than that music, that piano in my nights...
More than the look you gave me when I loved you, when you loved me... .
I tremble, I laugh,
But mostly, I get lost...
So lost... in you!
More than when I get lost in a story,
More than when I relive a memory, a dear touch... .
This is a simple day,
With a simple me,
And a simple you...
But, oh, how I love this simplicity...!
You see, maybe you gathered all these so called tiny,
but precious, let's say "feelings" in your heart,
And that is why I love you...?
Maybe I love you because of that...
Or maybe because you are... just you!

( Andreea M.)

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